The Trans-Siberian Orchestra
After 20 years the Trans-Siberian Orchestra still amazes me. This concert always gets me in the Christmas spirit. I have been fortunate enough to have seen this show at least six times, both East Coast and West Coast tours. I can remember seeing the first tour when I was living in Los Angeles, and it still comes to my mind of how stripped down the show was (for lack of a better phrase). The lights, pyro, video etc.. was not there at that time.
Every year since.. The shows got better and of course a lot bigger as they added more production.
I haven’t seen the TSO since 2013 and I was excited to check out their show once again here in Tampa on Dec 18. I brought a friend who had never seen the band and wasn’t really familiar with much of their music. I told her you are going to love this show. I have yet to meet anyone who has seen this group live and has not said how awesome it was. (If I did meet that person.. I honestly don’t know if I could continue to be friends with them..)
Last night was also the first time I noticed that no one leaves their seats while this concert is going on.. Everyone seemed glued to their seat for the entire show (myself included) and why not? You just might miss something. At one point I looked at my friend to see if she was enjoying the show and I wasn’t sure at first… But then she looked over at me when the story portion of the show ended and just said. WOW! I said..The show isn’t over yet.. It is now just getting started.
I am always blown away with the musical talent on the stage. I don’t know if I have ever seen a show with that much talent on one stage in a single night.
It is also cool to see such a wide variety of people in the crowd. From little kids to grandparents and everyone in between. You see people in t-shirts and some dressed in suits.. It is just wild to see. Music bringing everyone together.
Over the years I have had the opportunity to meet and interview a few key people involved in the TSO and I can honestly tell you that they are the some of the nicest people I have spoken to. It is always good to know how truly thankful the artists are for the support of the fans.
You can hear one of my interviews with Paul O’Neill by heading over to my interviews page. I still have my first interview with Paul somewhere in my stack of cassette tapes from back in the late 90’s where he mentions this band could not tour.. I always get a laugh when I think about that.
At the end of all this rambling I am never disappointed when I go to a TSO show. If you have never seen this show.. You must.. And if you have seen it.. Then you already know.. See it again..
I would like to give the band and crew a huge thank you from the fans for their hard work and always delivering an incredible show.
By the way Kenny.. Always good seeing you even if it has been 10 years!
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