Music.. Music.. I Hear Music
I feel like a kid in a candy store lately as I have gotten my hands on some new music, which includes, Motorhead “Bad Magic” and the new Slayer “Repentless”. Here is the deal, while I am excited to have both of these new albums neither of these bands are breaking ground with music. These guys know what they do and they do it great. These guys are definitely not sitting around trying to figure out how to grab new fans.
If someone asks me.. How is the new Motorhead or new Slayer? I just reply with well… It’s Motorhead or It’s Slayer. And of course.. The both kick ass.
I sure hope Lemmy gets back in action soon.. Hopefully the reports are true and he will be back on stage in St Louis on Sept 8th..
On a different note (see what I did there?)… In some weird way I am excited to see Van Halen this weekend. I am honestly not sure why, but my curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to grab some lawn seats off of Groupon. Besides I have seen way worse bands than Van Halen for $20. Just to see Kenny Wayne Shepherd is worth the $20 ticket. It has been years since I have seen the KWS band so this should be a great show from the opening song to the last note of VH.
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