All New Site
Finally. The time and effort put into this redesign was well worth it. Initially I thought this was going to take me about 24 hours to complete, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. The final tally was about 2 weeks. This was of course working in between various freelance projects and tasks, but the all new BryanShaw.com is complete.
I even added a store where you can buy Bryan Shaw t-shirts for you and your wife or girlfriend or both. I don’t judge.
With the redesign comes the previous material, but now is presented in a new light and I’m stoked. You can get a glimpse into my life and times through my blog. The good, the bad, and the ugly, but mostly it is all good fun. You can also subscribe to my newsletter and the 2 Unemployed Radio Guys Podcast with myself and Shmonty.
You can also get updates the world of digital and social media with that blog which is much more professional and is there to help give you some insight into the world of digital marketing.
Whatever brings you here I hope you enjoy. So, thanks for taking a few minutes from your busy day at work and getting a peek into my world.
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